Your career at EU-RAIL
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To see full details of tasks and further information, please download the vacancy notice for Chips-2025-01-AD05-BO Budget Officer from our Open Vacancies section from this link: Vacancies · Chips Ju

Duties and responsibilities

• Coordinate, plan and prepare the annual and/or multi-annual budget of the Joint 
• Prepare regular and/or ad-hoc reports on implementation of the budget if applicable;
• Monitor the consumption of commitment and payment appropriations using the European Commission’s financial system (ABAC) and Business Objects;
• Verify and/or initiate, if applicable, budgetary and financial transactions by ensuring 
compliance with the financial rules and regulations and established procedures;
• Ensure the carry-over of appropriations;
• Advise and support the management on budgetary issues;
• Prepare Governing Board decisions linked to the budget;
• Liaise with internal and external stakeholders such as the European Commission and the industry associations;
• Assist in the development of financial procedures and the elaboration of templates and other standard documents.
• Perform any other task requested by the line management in the interest of the service.

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